Concerning the Soul, Death, and Hell.
1. If death is annihilation (non-existence) as the Watchtower teaches, then how can there be degrees of punishment as Matthew 10:14,15, and 11:20-24 clearly show? It will be “more tolerable” for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for those who saw the mighty works of Jesus. Are there degrees of non-existence? How could degrees of punishment be either inflicted upon, or felt by, a non-existent or unconscious person? Wouldn’t the dead have to be conscious if there are degrees of punishment?
2. Again, if death is annihilation is it fair for someone who is an honorable and just man, but is not a Jehovah’s Witness, to receive exactly the same punishment as Adolph Hitler, Judas, or some other great criminal?
3. If in the Old Testament the Jews believed that the dead ceased to exist consciously then why did God find it necessary to forbid them to practice necromancy (seeking after the dead)? Why would anyone try to make contact with the dead if they believed the dead had no conscious existence?
4. The Sadducees, like the Witnesses, believed in the annihilation of the soul at death. Therefore, Jehovah’s Witnesses should answer the same question Jesus asked the Sadducees, namely, “…have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living” (Matthew 22:31,32). Jesus is here quoting Exodus 3:6 which was spoken several hundred years after the death of these men. But, according to Jesus they are still living.
5. If the Watchtower is correct that death is non-existence then how is Judas’ condition worse now than if he had never been born? (Mark 14:21)
6. If death is a cessation of existence then when Jesus died he ceased to exist. If He ceased to exist, then any “Jesus” who appeared afterward would have to be a facsimile, a clone, a perfect copy, but not possibly could he be the original. So then, how could Jesus, the person who died for our sins, rise from the dead, as the scriptures affirm (1 Cor. 15:4, 12-21)?
Concerning Jesus, the Son of God, Mediator.
7. Why do the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that Jehovah directly created only one thing, Michael the Archangel, and that Michael then created all other things? (United In Worship,p.29)
—Does this not conflict with Daniel 10:13 where Michael is called “one of” the chief princes?
—Does it not conflict with John 1:3 where it says “…without him [Jesus] was not anything made that was made?” Jehovah’s Witnesses do teach that Jesus (Michael) was “made.”
—Does it not also conflict with Isaiah 44:24 where Jehovah’ said, “I am the L ord that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself?”
—Has not this teaching caused the Watchtower to tamper with God’s Word at Colossians 1:16-17 by adding the word “other” four times to their New World Translation so that it says, “… by means of him[Jesus] all other things were created…?”
8. Does John 20:28 say in the literal Greek that Jesus is “the God” of Thomas?
9. Is it true worship that is being rendered to Jehovah in Revelation 4:9-11? Isn’t it the same kind of worship that is being rendered to Jehovah and Jesus in Revelation 5:11-14?
10. Is creation of the Universe out of nothing an example of Almighty power in action? Doesn’t John 1:3 say Jesus did this?
—Isn’t someone who exercises almighty power Almighty?
—If the Father delegated such power to another wouldn’t there be two Almightys?
—Is God’s almighty power part of His glory? Will God share His glory with another? (Isaiah 42:8)
Concerning Watchtower Authority.
11. A “vicar” is an “authoritative representative, a person who acts in place of another; a deputy.” The Watchtower teaches that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses are “The Faithful and Discreet Slave” (Matthew 24:45) who alone can give spiritual “meat in due season to the household of faith” (Watchtower, Feb. 1,1952, p. 80). It also teaches that to disagree with the organization is to disagree with God (Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1976, p. 124). Does that not make the Governing Body a “Vicar” of the Watchtower’s Christ on earth? Is it not hypocrisy for Jehovah’s Witnesses to chide Catholics for believing the Pope is the “Vicar of Christ on earth,” when they themselves believe the Watchtower teaching above?
12. Is not the attitude toward the Anointed Remnant by each member of the Great Crowd the determining factor as to whether he individually receives everlasting life, or death, according to the Watchtower of 8-1-81 (p. 26)?
13. If the Watchtower Society is not an “inspired” prophet of Jehovah, then why must Witnesses obey it without question? May you publicly disagree with the organization (Watchtower, 2-1-52, pp. 79, 80)?
—Since it is your eternal destiny that hangs in the balance, shouldn’t you have the right to try “them which say they are apostles, and are not” (2 Cor. 11:13-15; Rev. 2:2)?
Concerning the New World Translation.
14. Why do the translators of the New World Translation not give their names? If humility were the reason then why did the writers of the New Testament attach their names to their letters? Were they not humble?
15. Why have the translators added the word “other” four times at Colossians 1:16 and 17?
16. If Jesus is “a god” according to John 1:1 in the NWT, does that mean there are two Gods, an almighty God and a mighty god?
—If Jesus is “a god” is he a true god or a false god?
17. Does the English translation under the Greek at Revelation 5:10 (Kingdom Interlinear Translation) say those who will “sing a new song” will rule “over” the earth, or “upon” the earth?
18. According to Revelation 14:1-3 the 144,000 are “before the throne” in heaven. According to Revelation 7:9-15 the “great crowd” are “before the throne” rendering sacred service “in his temple.” Again, Revelation 19:1 says the “great crowd” are “in heaven.” So will the “great crowd” be with God and the 144,00 in heaven as the Bible says, or will they only be on the earth as the Watchtower says? Why don’t the Watchtower and the Bible agree?
19. Is Jesus the mediator for the Great Crowd, or only for the 144,000, according to the Watchtower of 4-1-79 (p. 31)?
20. Is the “Anointed Remnant” the mediator for the Great Crowd according to the Watchtower of 11-15-79 (p. 24-27)?
21. Salvation in Watchtower doctrine is “taking in knowledge” of God and Christ (John 17:3 NWT) not “knowing” God in a personal relationship. If this is true then why will Christ at the judgment say to the condemned “I never knew you?” Doesn’t he know all about these people?
Concerning the Resurrection.
22. What does John 2:19-21 teach?
23. According to Acts 2:24-28 what was it for which Christ’s body was resting in hope?
—Isn’t being “dissolved into gases” just an instant form of corruption?
24. Is Paul speaking to Spirit-begotten believers in Romans 8? Does he say in verse 11 that the Spirit would “make your mortal bodies alive?”
25. If Jesus did not rise from the grave in the body that was placed in the tomb, then what is the significance of an empty tomb?
—If the disciples did not believe in the resurrection of the body why would they run to the tomb to investigate the reports of Jesus’ resurrection?
Concerning Prophetic Dates.
26. According to the Watchtower, the Gentile Times began when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE, lasted 2,520 years, and ended in 1914, (see Aid To Bible Understanding,pp. 94-96). If this is true then who besides the Watchtower says Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE? Why do all history scholars say it fell in 586/587 BC?
27. Doesn’t Paul say we are to observe the Memorial Meal “until he [Jesus] comes?” (I Corinthians 11:26) Doesn’t the Watchtower say Jesus came in 1914?
28. Is Paul speaking of natural Israel (the Jews), or spiritual Israel (the 144,000, according to the Watchtower), in Romans 11:1? If he is speaking of spiritual Israel, the 144,000, then why are they called “blind” and “enemies of the gospel” for the sake of the Gentiles in verses 25 and 28?
—If God called the Jews to be his chosen people, is His calling with, or without, repentance (i.e., is it revocable, or irrevocable)? (see verse 29)
Concerning the Holy Spirit.
29. Is Jehovah a spirit? Is he a “personal” being? Is Jesus a spirit? Is he a “personal” being? Is Satan a spirit? Is he a “personal” being? Are Angels spirits? Are they “personal” beings? Are demons spirits? Are they “personal” beings?
—Is the Holy Spirit a spirit? Is He a “personal” being? Why not? Why are all spirits personal beings but not the Holy Spirit?
30. If the Holy Spirit is not a personal being, how can an “it” carry on a personal conversation as in Acts 8:29; 10:19; 13:2; 21:14; Revelation 2:7,11,17,19; and 3:6,13,22.
“We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn what God’s will is for us and then do it.” The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life,p. 13.
An Invitation: When each of us stands before the Judgment Seat of Christ we will bow the knee to Him and confess Him as Lord (Philippians 2:10, 11. Cf. with Isaiah 45:23). Each of us will give account of ourselves for what we did with Christ, the object of Christian faith. On what basis will you be accepted by Him? You have a decision to make regarding your faith—will it be in the dictated dogma of a human, therefore sinful, organization? Or will it be a Biblical faith in the sinless Savior alone?
If you want further information on these and other topics write to the author or revisor of this tract. Your name will be held in complete confidentiality.
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