Why Think About Eternity?
First, because it matters. It matters more than anything else. We sometimes hear people say that they want a practical religion. Typically, what they mean is that they want something down to earth, applicable to their daily life, something to guide or help them to be better persons, have better family life, etc. However, this life is but a drop in an infinite ocean, compared to eternity. To be truly practical a religion must be able to affect and guarantee one's destiny in eternity. If it can only dangle celestial rewards like a carrot on a stick, but cannot guarantee delivery of the goods, then ultimately it is not practical at all.
Second, because if one does not rightly regard eternity, one will never understand the deeper issues of this life. Without a proper understanding of, and view to, eternity, all the self-help manuals, and all the practical religions in the conventional sense, will not only fail in eternity, they will not be truly satisfying in, nor deliver on their promises for, even this life.
A Ministry of Evangelism and Christian Discernment
Think About Eternity, Inc. is an independent Christian evangelism, research, and apologetics ministry focused on evangelizing people caught in counterfeit Christianity, the New Age, and a number of world religions. We also serve the Christian and secular community as a resource for education, counselling, and non-coercive intervention.
Think About Eternity, Inc.'s founder, Timothy Oliver, began counter-cult evangelistic ministry in 1983. He has worked with Watchman Fellowship since 1988. For a number of years, Mr. Oliver felt the need to address some areas of ministry not included under Watchman Fellowship's purview. Think About Eternity, which he founded in 2004, attempts to address those issues.
It is hoped that materials on this website will stimulate people of all faiths to examine their own faiths in light of eternity. Particularly, it is hoped that followers of Mormonism, the Watchtower, the Seventh-day Adventist and Roman Catholic churches, the New Age Movement, three major world religions, and those who hold to a pluralistic, relativistic, postmodern worldview would be moved to re-examine their own beliefs in the light of biblical truth and historical facts.